If you are interested in solid-state physics research, curious, and willing to learn new things, you are welcome to join the group at any level – Contact us!
Master and Bachelor theses are always available.
Job offers
Formal job offers for PhD and postdoc positions will be posted here.
We are pleased to announce the opening of a new postdoc position in the area of quantum material discovery, synthesis and characterization!
We are looking for an enthusiastic postdoc who will strengthen our team with research in the field of new quantum materials and our ERC StG “distort-to-grasp”. The postdoc will perform experimental research in the field of new materials discovery, in particular quantum materials with magnetic, superconducting or charge-density-wave characteristics. This will entail single-crystal synthesis, characterization, and the measurement of physical properties. The support of younger group members is also a part of the position.
If you are interested, please apply by April 30th!
We are pleased to announce the opening of a new postdoc position!
We are looking for an enthusiastic postdoc who will strengthen our team in research and experimental development in the framework of our ERC StG “distort-to-grasp”. The postdoc will perform experimental research in the field of nematicity and superconductivity with a focus on thermodynamic and transport-properties, contribute to the development of a new capacitance-based high-resolution technique targeting lattice distortions and elastic moduli of novel materials, set up and operate newhigh-field Helium cryostats, as well as support of younger group members.
If you are interested, please apply by December 5th!
There are also external funding opportunities ranging from visiting students, to postdocs and even future junior group leaders,…. Please contact us with your inquiry.