New postdoc position opened!

New postdoc position opened!

We are pleased to announce the opening of a new postdoc position! We are looking for an enthusiastic postdoc who will strengthen our team in research and experimental development in the framework of our ERC StG “distort-to-grasp”. The postdoc will perform experimental...
Crystal growth paper published!

Crystal growth paper published!

Our work on the development of a new container for high-temperature solution growth of alkali-containing compounds has been published in Crystals! Growing single crystals rich in alkali-metals is a challenge that was successfully tackled by Jutta Püttmann in her...
New website online!

New website online!

After a long wait, our new website is finally online. With a combination of useful information, news and entertainment, it will accompany us in our growing research, teaching and all other endeavors. Thanks to everyone who was envolved in the process of getting it...